Top 5 Messiest House Pets


Pets make our lives richer in many ways. Who hasn't marveled at the surprising inquisitiveness in their fluffy faces? Or felt a surge of gratitude when they offer a greeting after a hard day at work? Not to mention, an article by Today reports that they do more than just keep us company – having pets around can actually reduce stress and blood pressure levels.

But sometimes, pets can be a challenge. In fact, when it comes to having a clean Columbus house, sometimes pets are less like angels and more like super-powered mess makers.

Does your beloved pet make our list of the top five dirtiest animals? Read on to find out.

Want a Cleaner Columbus Home? Watch Out for These Critters' Habits!

When we talk about "dirty" pets, we are referring to an animal's ability to:

  • Cause organizational disarray in the house.
  • Spread actual dirt, debris, or germs.

That said, here are the house pets that took the crown for their messy tendencies (in no particular order)…

  1. Dogs. Dog owners know too well that our friends of the canine persuasion have their share of dirty habits. Some dogs track their muddy paws through the house, some have accidents (especially if they are young or excitable), some destroy furniture if they have separation anxiety, and some breeds are serious shedders (e.g., double-coated breeds like huskies). Plus, in the warmer months, fleas can be a problem, and if left unchecked, these unwelcome parasites can infest your home. PetMD recommends a few ways to naturally combat fleas, such as dabbing rose geranium essential oil on your pooch's collar.
  2. Cats. One of the biggest house cleaning challenges is keeping your kitty's litter box tidy. Some fussy cats won't use the box if it isn't up to their cleanliness standard and will use the house as their facilities instead. You may also have to battle the litter tracked through the house and the cat's penchant for walking on countertops, which can spread germs.
  3. Reptiles and amphibians. You may not have to worry about fur tumbleweeds with these pets, but they can carry viruses like salmonella and shigella. That means it's essential to regularly clean their habitats.
  4. Bunnies. Though you may not immediately think of rabbits as indoor pets, you'd be surprised by what a good addition to the family they may make. At the same time, these animals are not for inexperienced or impatient pet owners, as they can be messy and difficult to litter train (especially when they are unspayed or unneutered). Plus, many breeds of rabbits shed, and some bunnies dig and chew things they're not supposed to (if they don't have "approved" chew toys to keep them busy).
  5. Birds. Different birds have their different quirks, but for the most part, birds can be particularly messy eaters. Some just won't be satisfied until their birdseed is scattered everywhere.

Of course, your pet's individual temperament, training, and habits have a significant affect on how much cleaning you may end up doing. These are simply some common pet cleaning problems to be aware of!

House Cleaning Tips for Columbus Pet Lovers

  • Wipe your counters down with a disinfectant wipe before and after you put food on the counter if you have a cat.
  • For cats, scoop litter boxes at least once a day and change it completely every 10 days. Bunnies need fresh paper litter every other day.
  • Don’t clean up pet accidents with ammonia products, which pets may confuse for the scent of urine. (More on that here: "Pet Problems: How to Rid Your Home of Pet Smells.")
  • If you regularly groom your fluffy pets, check your air filters every four weeks.

Want to outsource the dirty work? Check out our house cleaning services for Columbus residences.